State management in NIRTorch#

Managing state is crucial when dealing with (real) neurons because we have to maintain a state, such as a membrane potential, leak, or otherwise. There are two main ways of doing that: implicitly and explicitly. NIRTorch uses explicit state handling. Below, we briefly explain the difference and show how the state handling works in practice when executing NIRTorch graphs.

Implicit vs Explicit State: A High-Level Comparison#

This high-level comparison shows the fundamental differences between implicit and explicit state handling approaches. Let’s break down each aspect:

  1. Control of State:

    • Implicit: The framework manages state changes

    • Explicit: The developer directly controls state transitions

  2. Visibility:

    • Implicit: State changes can happen automatically

    • Explicit: State changes must be explicitly coded

  3. Traceability:

    • Implicit: State transitions may be hidden

    • Explicit: Clear state transition flow

Dataflow Patterns#

To understand how these patterns work in practice, let’s examine their dataflow characteristics:

        flowchart LR
    subgraph Implicit["Module with Internal State"]
        direction TB
        I_Input[/"Input Data"/]
        I_State[("Internal State")]
        I_Input --> I_Process
        I_Process <--> I_State
        I_Process --> I_Output
        style I_State fill:#ff9999
    subgraph Explicit["Module with External State"]
        direction TB
        E_Input[/"Input Data"/]
        E_State[("Current State")]
        E_Output[/"Output + New State"/]
        E_Input --> E_Process
        E_State --> E_Process
        E_Process --> E_Output
        style E_State fill:#99ff99
    ImplicitNote["State lives inside
    module and is mutated
    during processing.
    The user never sees
    the state, but may have
    to reset it"]
    ExplicitNote["State flows through
    module as input/output,
    never mutated internally"]
    Implicit -.-> ImplicitNote
    Explicit -.-> ExplicitNote
    style ImplicitNote fill:#fff,stroke:#999
    style ExplicitNote fill:#fff,stroke:#999

Advantages and Trade-offs#

Implicit State#


  • Less boilerplate code

  • Can feel more intuitive for simple applications

  • Automatic state synchronization


  • Harder to test

  • State changes can be difficult to track

  • Can lead to unexpected side effects

Explicit State#


  • Predictable data flow

  • Easier to test

  • Clear state transitions

  • Better debugging experience


  • More verbose

  • Can feel overengineered for simple cases

State handling in Python and NIRTorch#

NIRTorch uses explicit state management, which may be more cumbersome to write but makes data flow more visible:

class MyState:
    voltage: float

def stateful_function(data, state):
    # 1. Calculate a new voltage
    new_voltage = ... 
    # 2. Calculate the function output
    output = ... 
    # 3. Define a new state
    new_state = MyState(voltage=new_voltage)
    # 4. A tuple of (data, state) is returned
    #    Note that the new state returned and the original remains unchanged
    return output, new_state 

Once NIRTorch has parsed a NIR module into Torch modules (read more about that in the page about To PyTorch: Interpreting NIR), the resulting module expects a second state parameter, like the function above. Similarly, it will return a tuple of (data, state). Here is a full example where we first initialize a Torch module from NIRTorch, and then applies it several times with the correct state

import nir
import nirtorch
import numpy as np

nir_weight = np.ones((2, 2))
nir_graph = nir.NIRGraph.from_list(nir.Linear(weight=nir_weight))

torch_module = nirtorch.nir_to_torch(
    node_map={} # We can leave this empty since we only 
                # use a linear layer which has a default mapping

## This is where the state handling happens
# Assume some time-series data with 100 entries each with two datapoints
time_data = torch.random(100, 2)
state = None
results = []
# Loop through the time-series data, one entry at the time
for single_data in time_data:
    if state is None:
        # If state is None, we leave the state blank
        output, state = torch_module(single_data)
        # If state is not None, we need to feed it back in
        output, state = torch_module(single_data, state)

# results is now a tensor of shape (100, 2)
results = torch.stack(results)